Thursday, May 7, 2020

Theology I - Searching for God in the World Today

Code Number: TH111E Course Title: Theology I - Searching for God in the World Today Chapter I: GOD’S Revelation in and through Everyday Experiences 1.1 The â€Å"Everyday† or the â€Å"Ordinary Introduction Topic 1.1 The â€Å"Everyday† or â€Å"Ordinary† Objective: After this lesson, the student will be able to reflect on one’s experience of everyday life, especially on a â€Å"depth experience† â€Å"SEE† LET US â€Å"SEE† A. The â€Å"Everyday† or â€Å"Ordinary† B. â€Å"Depth Experiences† in the Everyday or Ordinary A. The â€Å"Everyday† or â€Å"Ordinary† A religious educator by the name of John Hall wrote: â€Å"If we think theology has nothing to do with†¦show more content†¦In different cultures, the words for â€Å"everyday† or â€Å"ordinary† are: †¢ Tagalog: pang-araw-araw, pangkaraniwan †¢ Cebuano: adlaw-adlaw, matag-adlaw †¢ Chinese: æâ€" ¥Ã¥ ¸ ¸, rà ¬chà ¡ng †¢ Malay: sehari-hari †¢ French: de tous les jours †¢ Japanese: æâ€" ¥Ã¥ ¸ ¸, nichijÃ…  †¢ Korean: ì  ¼Ã¬Æ' Ã¬ Ëœ, ilsang-ui †¢ Spanish: cotidiano †¢ Burmese: Nay Tine †¢ Lao: Touk touk meu †¢ Urdu: Ø ±Ã™Ë†Ã˜ ² Ø ¨Ã˜ ±Ã™Ë†Ã˜ ² Ù ¬ Ø ±Ã™Ë†Ã˜ ² Ø ±Ã™Ë†Ã˜ ² Ù ¬ Û Ã˜ ± Ø ±Ã™Ë†Ã˜ ² †¢ Thai: Tuk tuk wan In a formal meaning, the â€Å"everyday† is the whole of doing, thinking and feeling in our daily lives and recurring routine I wonder how your everyday looks like. Here’s a list of my everyday [pic] This is just a list of my everyday in the first few hours of the day. I can make it longer through the day and night. Can you write down on your notebook or journal a list of your everyday routine of activities? (â€Å"Routine† refers to things you do regularly or as a matter of habit.) Now, show your list of everyday, ordinary activities to a seatmate. After that, move around to see also the everyday of your classmates. Then, go back to your seats and let’s talk. 1) What have you noticed in your own list or in the everyday life of your classmates? 2)Show MoreRelatedPersonal Statement : Our Identity1538 Words   |  7 Pagesthis paper, I could not get past the subtle nature of who we are as God’s creations. This fundamental truth of our identity is simplified with the truth of our identity in Jesus. We are created in God’s image with a purpose here on earth to display all of God’s greatness, His beauty, and to reveal all of His character aspects. Best of all, we are completely dependent on God. 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